From the course: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

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- One of my favorite things to do professionally and personally is to play with potential. I love to not only come up with ideas, but also to facilitate others doing the same thing. Even when I'm facilitating and know that I have to keep my ideas out, it can still be so much fun. There are a number of tools that can help you come up with solutions that will lead you and your team to find the best solution. One of my favorite methods is brainstorming. Many people think they know what brainstorming is. You may think of coming up with ideas in class or just throwing ideas out among friends, but there are a few specific steps that make brainstorming a powerful tool. Ideally, you want to have a facilitator, someone that is not directly involved in coming up with ideas. The facilitator should frame the problem for the group and offer some time for people to ask questions so everyone knows what they're coming up with ideas for.…
