From the course: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

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Avoiding small group pitfalls

Avoiding small group pitfalls

- Great groups make terrible decisions sometimes. I've been part of it. I had an amazing team running three establishments, and I had the genius idea to do one more with a partner. It was a terrible idea. None of us saw it at the time, but in hindsight, the issue should have been abundantly clear. Me and my management team were in good company though. JFK and his cabinet got it in their heads that the Bay of Pigs Invasion was a good idea. This was the basis for the term groupthink. There are a number of pitfalls even good groups can fall into that can derail critical thinking and good problem solving. I want to identify these for you and offer a few tricks to counter them. One of the odd ways that groups can go right is actually ending up more extreme than any one member had started. This can happen in two ways. Say you lean towards one idea and Angela leans the other way. As you go back and forth, defending your…
