From the course: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

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Asking questions

Asking questions

- I once had a client, let's call him George. He was a bit of a challenge for me. Some people on his team thought he wasn't very bright, others thought he was just a jerk, and still others thought he didn't know they existed. The thing is George wanted to be a good leader and he wanted to hear what they had to say. He just didn't do a good job of listening to them. He would show up with his ideas already in his head and wouldn't take the time to ensure he actually knew what the heck people were talking about. People were frustrated with him because they would say one thing and George would do something else. My biggest win with George, and to be honest, his biggest win with his team, was when I convinced him of the power of questions. Questions are an essential tool to help you become a more critical thinker and a better leader. As a leader or manager, it's often wise to start with questions. It's a way to make sure that…
