From the course: Creating Presets, LUTs, and Profiles for Video Pros

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Creating a LUT with IWLTBAP LUT Generator

Creating a LUT with IWLTBAP LUT Generator

- There's a really cool tool for generating LUTs and it's absolutely free. It allows you to work with any photo editing tool, or really any tool, and then simply transfer the preset to a reference image. You'll want to download this and it is called IWLTBAP LUT Generator. It's a free project. And what happens is, it includes a HALD table here that allows you to transfer looks by applying it to this reference image. Now what you want to do is open up a file that is representative. So export a still from your video editing tool and then open it up with an image editor. And I'm going to open this up with a tool like Luminar Flex. You can do this in Photoshop, or any other tool. But a lot of photo editors frequently include cool presets. And lets open up that reference image. Now what I can do is quickly enhance things. Lets stay away from any AI filters 'cause those vary from image to image. But I'll apply the Develop…
