From the course: Creating Fonts with Fontself, Illustrator, and Photoshop

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Creating color fonts

Creating color fonts

- [Instructor] One of the really exciting developments over the last few years is the ability to create color fonts. And of course, we use them all the time for emoji and different things like that. But they arrived in the Adobe ecosystem two or three years ago, they suddenly started popping up in Photoshop and then in Illustrator, with support for things like the EmojiOne font and so on. It's basically the open type SVG specification that allows this, and they can have different fill colors and stroke colors on factor shapes. You can use gradients, opacity, and even bitmap images in there. There are additional features in the specifications like color palettes, to allow you to change colors. But before you go completely freaking out and running around with the roams, waving in the air with excitement, the Adobe teams have not implemented this into the software. So, get on to UserVoice, the platform they use for…
