From the course: Creating Construction Documents with Revit

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Create a new sheet

Create a new sheet

- [Instructor] We've created a model and we've generated fully noted views. The next step towards arriving at a finished product is to place the views on sheets. Revit Sheets are like pages of a photo album. The views, that would be the plan section, elevation, or detail views, as well as any annotative elements like the view titles, schedules, legends, general notes would be set in place and pinned in position on the finished sheet. In addition to these views, here are some other elements that may possibly be needed on the sheets. Those could be things like the code review and analysis, calculations, or a sheet list, maybe the signatures and seals of registered architects, maybe other graphic elements that would be client specific. So, let's start to create a sheet. Let's go to Revit. In order to create a new sheet in Revit, you would go to View and Sheet. You would then see options to select title blocks and you…
