From the course: Creating an Adaptable Team

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What is critical thinking?

What is critical thinking?

- Have you felt overwhelmed and needed to make a decision, but you couldn't because you froze? Your brain just wouldn't move. You were stuck. When you face a complex overwhelming challenge, your stress mechanism kicks in and causes you to freeze. In situations like this, you need critical thinking. You need a process that allows you to move from being frozen stuck to evaluating your options and executing on the best one. Critical thinking is the discipline of analyzing the facts to form a judgment. Critical thinking will help you move from being stuck to adaptability. In this video, I want to give you three steps that you can take to become more adaptable by strengthening your critical thinking skills. First, critical thinking begins by formulating questions like, what am I looking for? It gathers information so that you can weigh your options. As you applied the new data, you ask critical questions, like, what are the…
