From the course: Creating a Short Film: 11 Color Grading

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Working with RED media

Working with RED media

- [Instructor] Before we dive into Redcine-X, I want to show you another really cool feature of using RED files. And this is going to be the case throughout this course 'cause we're going to be using these same RED files, which is R3D. That's the file format here. And I have this file loaded up here in Redcine-X. And to do that, you can just go ahead and navigate to it over here on the upper left-hand side of the file browser area and just drag it into the project area. And then you can double-click it to open it in the main editing source window here. But watch this. This is what makes RED files so cool. So I'm going to make a change and I want you to watch the finder window. Look at this file on my hard drive when I make this change. I'm just going to add like a little bit of temperature. Oh, and then like the file window disappears. But here's what happened. And you can probably see the difference here. We created…
