From the course: Creating a Short Film: 11 Color Grading

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Working with R3D files in Premiere

Working with R3D files in Premiere

- [Instructor] In this tutorial, we're going to look at how to work with RED media or in other words R3D files in Premier. We talked about this very briefly and kind of in passing in the last chapter, when we're looking at REDCINE-X, but I want to show you in detail, how to do this. It's also changed over the years for better or worse. So, I have here my footage, and this clip here that, A002C054 is right here. So instead of actually grading this with the Lumetri color panel, we actually have access to the raw red data here in Premiere. So I can double click this to open this in the source monitor. And that could go over here to the effect controls panel, by the way, let me just pause right there and say, there used to be a really great workflow that I loved where you can click on source settings and then it would open up this window that was very much like REDCINE-X, and it was really easy to understand, and you could…
