From the course: Creating a Short Film: 11 Color Grading

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Using the RGB parade

Using the RGB parade

- [Instructor] Some waveform monitors are just black and white. So, they'll just have like a gray scale value here. But some of them, like this one in here in Premiere, has a little bit of color data on the edges as well. And so we can see here that there is uniformly, across the whole image, kind of like a blue halo. And there's a little bit of a magenta halo as well. So we could see that maybe we need a little bit more red and magenta in this image to kind of balance things out a little bit. But it is hard to see. So there's another scope that we can use for helping out in just cases just like this. So I'm going to go here, I'm going to show the parade, the RGB parade, and I'm also going to hide the waveform. Now what the RGB parade is, or if you're in like DaVinci Resolve, other programs just call this the parade. What this does is this takes each channel separately and basically gives you a waveform monitor of each…
