From the course: Creating a Short Film: 11 Color Grading

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Using the Lumetri Color panel

Using the Lumetri Color panel

- [Instructor] In this chapter, we're going to look at the Lumetri Color panel here in Premiere, although this is similar to After Effects. We'll also look at After Effects in the next chapter in a little bit more detail. But here, we're going to play with Lumetri Color which I think is a really powerful way to not only color grade, but it's laid out in such a way that it's a really great introduction to learn how to color grade. And I find that I actually like to work in the order that this is setup. This feels like it is intentionally and purposefully designed. Now there's six categories here, and when you click on one, let's say Vignette, then it opens up the settings for that category. Click it again to close it. You could also only have one open at a time, so if I open up Vignette, then I click on Basic Correction, it automatically closes up Vignette for me which is really nice. Another thing to aware of that we'll…
