From the course: Creating a Short Film: 11 Color Grading

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Tracking power windows

Tracking power windows

- [Tutor] In this tutorial we're going to look at how to use power windows to track moving features super quick and easy and also some other tricks as well. I'm going to go to the exercise files, and then go to the media folder, R3Ds and then this clip over here the A12th we looked at before, go ahead and drag and drop that in. Now previously in this chapter what we've done is gone to the cut page, I made a timeline, but what I can also do is right click on this clip right here in the media page, and the top option here, create new timeline using selected clips, it does take a little bit one more step I guess, because you have to then input all this stuff. I'm just going to go ahead and click on create. And then I can go on ahead to the color page here, and we can grayness this. Now what I want to do here is just do a very quick gray just to get this in the ballpark so that our tracking trick will work. I'm going to…
