From the course: Creating a Short Film: 11 Color Grading

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Performing secondary grades

Performing secondary grades

- [Instructor] At the beginning of this chapter we looked at the basic correction section, and what we were doing there was called getting the primary color grade or primary color grading. And when you're doing the primary grade, this is always where you want to start. And you're basically affecting the entire image. So I can go here to the white balance selector, the eyedropper, and let's just get a base grade here. So I'm going to go to this white pole, this pole that should be white. And then Premiere is going to use that to adjust the colors in our image. We can fine tune this if we don't like the result, and I want this to be a little warmer. And then I also am going to just bump up the contrast a little bit, and we have something that looks fairly decent. I can click this little check box here, and there's the original, and there's what we turned it into. I like that. I'm also going to go down to vignette. Take…
