From the course: Creating a Short Film: 09 VFX Environments

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Creating the melted candles

Creating the melted candles

- [Voiceover] In this tutorial, we're going to basically continue where we left off in the last tutorial and we're going to make the candles. This is actually a little bit more fun than it sounds, 'cause we want to simulate candles that have like, melted wax a little bit, like they've been a little melty. It's simple, but, I found a little trick. Now, I'm going to go ahead and double-click in the project panel. And I'm going to go to the Chapter 7 folder of the exercise files, and I'm going to import candlesticks.c4d that we created in the last tutorial. And with this selected, I'm going to press Command+E or Control+E on the PC to open up Cinema 4D Lite, or Cinema 4D if you own that. What I want to do here is go down to my basic geometric primitives, now hold my mouse down on that, I want to create a cylinder. And this is going to be our candle. We can click on this arrow here in the Y direction, and drag this up here. And with the cylinder selected we can go to the basic parameters…
