From the course: Creating a Short Film: 02 Writing

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Writing a pickup scene

Writing a pickup scene

- After we filmed The Assurance and I had done some editing, we realized that the story just wasn't super clear. And as is often the case with less mature writers, I thought we'd fix it by writing yet another scene. This is called the pickup scene. In the original version that we shot, there were a few problems. We cut right from the hut to the common area scene. It's kind a jarring, and with the way that we shot it, especially the cart, it wasn't super clear where Cordea was. This was a directing blunder on my part. Also, the magic that Teani uses still kind of felt like the deus ex machina we talked about earlier. There wasn't really anything in the first half of the movie that suggested this world was magical, so it felt kind of forced when it came in later. And the last big thing that was missing was a real, strong act one. We never really got to see these girls happy and close, so their bond didn't seem particularly solid. So we wrote a scene that we called scene seven B that was…
