From the course: Creating a Short Film: 02 Writing

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What is a story?

What is a story?

- Before we get into the details. let's look at the big picture. The story. I mean, what is a story? You know, in preparing for this training, I looked for one perfect, concise explanation of what a story is, but there are actually tons of them and not all of them agree on what a story is. So to me, a story is an account of a person encountering obstacles in pursuit of something they want. Now this is obviously simplistic. Most good stories also have themes. Most good stories also show how the main character was changed as a result of going through this process. But these three elements a person, a goal and obstacles are the most core components of a story. Most of what makes a story great is the brilliant use of these three things. When one of them is weak, your story gets weak. These three elements can be extremely complex, or they can be very simple. One time, my Uncle Dan went fishing and ran into a bear. And, that's a story. We tell stories all the time without even realizing it.…
