From the course: Creating a Short Film: 02 Writing

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Using supernatural forces

Using supernatural forces

- Now, a few words of warning on using supernatural forces. It is fun, and it allows us to do a lot of things you can't see in real life. I mean, that's why I go to the movies, to watch people bust ghosts or go off to see the wizard. But you do have to be extra careful when using these extra powers so that you don't leave audiences feeling cheated. In ancient Greek times, when they would have plays, oftentimes the main characters would be in a really tough spot, backed into a corner. But then all of a sudden the gods would come down from the heavens and save them. This happened quite a bit, and the first few times it happened, people actually liked it. They loved seeing the gods depicted in their plays and they loved being reminded of the involvement of the gods in the lives of the people. But after a while, people were like, I think we've seen this ending already, and it kinda feels like lazy writing. And it really is. So this is actually called deus ex machina, and these days it…
