From the course: Creating a Short Film: 02 Writing

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Using Final Draft

Using Final Draft

- [Voiceover] In the last tutorial we talked about how writing screenplays with all the formatting rules and all that crazy stuff can be a little overwhelming sometimes, so we can use software like Final Draft here to help us with this process. It's super clean, you can see the interface here. It's not like Microsoft Word where you've got like a billion things going on everywhere, yelling at you. It's super clean, it's meant just for screenplay writing. It's got a lot of great tools for that, really easy to do. So we have this blank screen, and what we're gonna do is actually type out the first scene of The Assurance. We can kind of go through this process together and also see how Final Draft makes this super easy. The key here is using on the keyboard the enter key on the PC or the return key on the Mac. As we hit that, we get this context-sensitive menu that tells us or gives us access to all the basic components of a screenplay. We can use these letters on a keyboard after hitting…
