From the course: Creating a Short Film: 02 Writing

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Examining the new beats

Examining the new beats

- In the original script, there were so many storylines: the fact that the world was dying, Ta'ani had to keep Korda'a hidden, there hadn't been children in a long time, The Assurance was the religion of the people, and there was the gods, and the fallen god, the council, the rune, the preacher, feelings of the townspeople about Korda'a and her mission, I mean, there was so much going on. And the storyline that mattered most, Korda'a saving the world, just got buried in all this. So, we decided to de-emphasize everything we could. We scrapped all references to the absence of children. We minimized the roles of the council, the rune, the preacher. Now, it's tough because some of these things were actually kind of good. It might have made good movies on their own, maybe even better movies, but they had to be sacrificed so we can focus on the story that we were actually telling. The hardest thing for me to sacrifice in this whole process of getting rid of the old version and going to the…
