From the course: Creating a Short Film: 02 Writing

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Enhancing conflict

Enhancing conflict

- One of the biggest issues that plagued all of the phases of the writing process was the lack of really good conflict. You know, there's tension, Korda'a gets left by her sister and tries to figure out why and that's technically conflict, but conflict is most obvious and intense when it's with another person, and there wasn't much of that, unfortunately. So we had to cheat it a little. As we talked about in the last movie, we would split up shots so that we could revisit things. We wanted the sickness to be a bigger deal, for example, but that's all the footage we had of it. So, by splitting it up and putting the boy with the makeup in a couple different spots, it makes it feel like a more pressing issue. We also cheated by using Korda'a's voiceover to play up the conflict between the sisters. - [Korda'a] I was not a good student. - We did have another shot of Korda'a having a stronger reaction to drawing the assurance. - Ugh! But I just drew it! - Which is a very clear rejecting of…
