From the course: Creating a Dev Environment in AWS with Terraform

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Intro to Terraform

Intro to Terraform

- [Instructor] All right. So let's install the two tools we need for this project. The first tool we're going to need is Terraform. And in order to get that, you can just go to HashiCorp's website, and on the top right, click on this Products, or top left rather. And then click on Terraform. And the edition that we're going to be using is open source, so click on Learn More. And in the next page, click on this Get Started with OSS. And even though I'm on Windows, I have Windows subsystem for Linux installed, so I'll be using the 64 bit Linux version. And if you click this link, or if you left click this link, it will download directly to your Windows computer. What I'm going to do is, I want it to be installed on my Linux host, which is Ubuntu. So in order to do that, just right click, copy link's address, and I'm just going to switch back to Visual Studio Code and open up my terminal. As you can see, I've already…
