From the course: Creating a Culture of Learning

Where is your learning culture today?

From the course: Creating a Culture of Learning

Where is your learning culture today?

- Picture a compass. It points the way, ensuring you never lose direction, even in unfamiliar territories. Now, think of your organization's learning culture. Do you have a compass guiding you? That's why I created the Learning CULTURE Framework, to be a handy compass for you. My hope is this framework will empower you to assess your organization's learning landscape, pinpointing its strengths and areas needing focus. Let's unpack this acronym together. The C is for collaborative learning. Think teamwork. Are your teams learning from one another? The U, upskilling opportunities. How future-ready are your employees with the right skills to succeed? L for leadership involvement. Are the leaders leading the learning charge? T for tangible application. Can employees readily use what they learn in their real world? U for universal access. Is learning accessible to all, regardless of who they are and where they are? Then the R, resilience and adaptability. How agile are you and your team when things get tough? Then we have E, engagement and motivation. Are your employees across the organization excited to learn? One thing I want to stress to you about this acronym is this isn't just a theory or a checklist, it's a hands-on actionable framework that can inform all things learning culture. And to that end, we won't go through this acronym sequentially in this course. Rather, you'll hear me mention all parts of this framework organically as we unpack Learning CULTURE together. All right, it's time for your learning leap. Here it is. In the exercise files, I've included a survey of essential questions that align to each element of the Learning CULTURE framework. These will guide you in evaluating your organization's current learning culture. My ask is you answer these critical questions before you move on to the next movie. It won't take you more than two minutes, but it'll help you get clear on where you stand today, and that's how you'll figure out where you want to be tomorrow.
