From the course: Create Your Dream Career: A Transformative Guide for Women

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Managing your emotions

Managing your emotions

- So my next strategy on managing your career is feedback is a gift. I know sometimes it's hard to feel that feedback is a gift, but we're going to go through it. So here's what I'm going to cover. I'm going to talk a little bit about managing your emotions, how to ask for feedback, how to receive that feedback, and then also how to give feedback. So let's start with your emotions. Feedback is crucial because in order to know how you are performing, you need to hear from your boss his or her perception of your performance, what you do well, and what you need to work on. I know there are probably are some people out there who are saying, well, I'm on target to meet my goals, or I certainly don't want to rock the boat. But you know what, at the end of the day, you still need to have that conversation with your boss because they're the person who would put you forth for a promotion or a raise. So you really need to know how…
