From the course: Connecting and Collaborating in a Virtual or Hybrid Workplace

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Listening exercises

Listening exercises

- Let's practice active listening. Here is a fun exercise in order to help us train this muscle and hone this skill. If you don't have nearby, pause for a second and go grab a scratch piece of paper and a pen or a pencil. We're going to move through an exercise that's going to have you drawing for a minute. I'll wait. All right. You're back. Great. We are going to engage in an activity where I'm going to ask you to draw what you hear. I am going to narrate for you an image that I see on a piece of paper that I have here with me. I will be as specific and clear as possible. And you'll do the best you can to draw what you feel and hear me describing. And then we'll have a reveal. At the end of the exercise, we will flash the image on screen and give you a chance to compare what you created versus what I was describing. Are you ready? Here we go. So we're going to move through two images. This is the first of…
