From the course: Communication Foundations

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Tool kit: Managing nervousness

Tool kit: Managing nervousness

From the course: Communication Foundations

Tool kit: Managing nervousness

- You learned seven strategies to reduce your speaking related nervousness. In this toolkit, we'll prioritize and put them to work. Open your calendar and find an upcoming presentation or conversation that might incite some anxiousness. I see that I have an online training coming up. I use an outside game platform to teach this workshop, and I'm worried that the technology won't work and I won't have a clue what to do. Now, choose two techniques from our list of seven that you think will be most beneficial for you in your situation. For example, I realize I need to terminate my negative self-talk and I need to alternate my practice. You're choosing from these seven strategies, breathing, reframing, easing into your fear, alternating your practice, terminating negative self-talk, heart rate up, empathizing. Okay, now that you have your two top choices, let's map a plan. When I think I won't have a clue what to do, I'll say…
