From the course: Communication Foundations

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Tool kit: Building rapport

Tool kit: Building rapport

- Let's begin with what I call neutral context drills. Next time you're at an airport, find someone nearby who you can share something in common. Maybe they have the same briefcase, or they're wearing the same team logo on their shirt, or the same watch. If appropriate. make eye contact and greet them, and comment about the item you have in common. Your goal is to use the common item to create rapport. If the person is responding positively, continue discussing the common item and then switch to some open-ended questions. For example, if you're sitting across from a person wearing your favorite team shirt, you can say, "You are also a fan? Did you watch the game last night?" See if you can maintain the conversation for two to three minutes. Now, practice this drill each time you travel, or you're in a similar social setting. Now, let's move to workplace context drills. Go to your next meeting committed to ignoring your…
