From the course: Communication Foundations

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The four building blocks: Context

The four building blocks: Context

From the course: Communication Foundations

The four building blocks: Context

- Communication never happens in a vacuum. Location, timing, and relationships are all part of our third communication building block, the context. One of our clients, Julia, had to deliver some bad news about a benefits cut to a number of different business units. She made good location choices. She decided to deliver this news in person, even though that meant a lot of travel for her, and she made sure that each meeting would be held in a quiet conference room to avoid distractions. When you initiate an important or sensitive conversation, consider the ways in which location can influence the conversation. If I ask you to my office, I send a different message than if I come to yours. A conversation in the break room has a different feel than a conversation in the boardroom. Back to Julia. She was making the rounds to various locations all over the region to share the bad news. What she didn't factor in were timing and…
