From the course: Communication Foundations (2018)

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When you run meetings

When you run meetings

- Have you ever calculated the cost of your meetings? Using Harvard's meeting calculator and average salary estimates for IT professionals, a one-hour meeting with just four people will cost your organization around $300. We need to make the most of every second during our meetings. Let's watch Amanda facilitate a meeting with her team. As you watch, consider what she could change to make her meeting more effective. - Hello? - Hi, Lydia, is that you? - [Lydia] Yeah. Hi Amanda. - Okay, now that we have Lydia on the line, I think we can get started. So today we need to do a review of the civic center project and start figuring out how we can get caught up on our work for the VP. So the civic center project. We hit all of our internal and external deadlines. We have the client feedback now and it's all within the range we like to see. So we did fine on this one, but I don't think that's the case for the VP. Well, I…
