From the course: Communication Foundations (2018)

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Tool kit: Pitch new ideas

Tool kit: Pitch new ideas

- We have three activities for you to enhance your influential skills. Number one, nothing happens in a vacuum. To get ideas approved and projects accomplished, you need people who are in different circles in your personal and professional life. My former student and current music industry executive calls this the power list. Let's start with a power 20 list. Here's how it works. List four of your professional networks that you utilize. Consider the networks you depend on when you need to ask for information or advice. For each of these four networks, think of five people who are essential to the power of your network. Not necessarily people that you have a personal connection with, but people who you've met and want to stay in contact with. Next, develop a networking code. Make an effort to reach out to everyone on this list at least once a month. Any form of contact counts, texting, calling, email. Create a tracking…
