From the course: Communicating about Culturally Sensitive Issues

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Conflict as opportunity: Debate vs. dialogue

Conflict as opportunity: Debate vs. dialogue

From the course: Communicating about Culturally Sensitive Issues

Conflict as opportunity: Debate vs. dialogue

- Conflict can be scary, particularly when it comes to culturally sensitive topics. This fear often leads people to completely avoid these kinds of conversations. What I found is that this is mainly an issue of mindset and skillset. Before we change what we do in these conversations, skillset, we have to change how we think about these conversations, mindset. Here's what you need to know. These conversations are opportunities. The problem is that we often look at these conversations as a source of past and potential future trauma rather than opportunities for progress, connection, and mutual understanding. Your perspective impacts the way that you engage. Your mind is creative. Whatever you go into these conversations expecting, your mind will help you to find it. This is hard for people to understand because they often conflate conflict with combat, but combat is an altercation where the goal is to inflict more…
