From the course: Color for Video Editors

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Learning to creatively evaluate a project

Learning to creatively evaluate a project

From the course: Color for Video Editors

Learning to creatively evaluate a project

- I can pretty much guarantee you that if you take any one of the great courses here on the online training library about how to color correct, and tools like Resolve and Final Cut Pro and Premiere, that very quickly you can get proficient with the tools. That's the easy part of color correction. The hard part of color correction is creative evaluation and figuring out where you're going with the shot. The best colorists in the world can quickly look at a shot and figure it out within 20 to 30 seconds. They can tell you about how it was kind of shot, the light directionality, kind of the characteristics of the shot. Can you do that? That's a key part at getting good creatively when it comes to color correction. Figuring out what is shot and how its presenting itself to you. In other words, becoming a shot whisperer when it comes to color correction. Can you look at a shot and quickly know what needs to be fixed? Just by looking at it, can you tell if it's too dark, too bright, if the…
