From the course: Color for Design and Art

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Working with grays and browns

Working with grays and browns - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Color for Design and Art

Working with grays and browns

- Let me show you something about browns and grays using watercolors. You can make browns and grays simply by blending complimentary colors. Complimentary colors come from opposite sides of the color wheel. Here, I'm working with the complimentary pair of blue and orange and that's it. There are no other paints involved. If you mix a dose of blue into orange, you get a nice brown and mix the two in different proportions and you can come up with a good-looking, warm gray. If you were to start with a puddle of blue and then add a touch of the orange, you could mute the blue all the way down to a cool gray. So that, in a nutshell, is where grays and browns can come from in the real world from mixes of complimentary hues and I show you this because, even though me mostly work digitally, I think it's important to understand why colors behave in certain ways within art-based programs like Illustrator and Photoshop. In fact, let's switch to digital mode, and yes, if you're painting in a…
