From the course: Color for Design and Art


- Hi there, I'm Jim Krause. I'm a designer, an illustrator, and an author, and I love working with color. I also like talking about choosing and using colors in terms of real world logos, layouts, illustrations, and works of art. I've written three books on color, including "Color for Designers," and a lot of stuff in that book comes up here. We're going to talk about the color wheel and creating good looking palettes for all kinds of different ways to use color to attract attention, to set a mood, deliver meaning, and to look good. And we'll mostly be dealing with digital tools involving CMYK and RGB colors, but do stick around for the final chapter where we go analog and we play with paints. So, I'm here to help you understand more about color and to build your confidence. I'm really excited about this course, so let's get going.
