From the course: Color for Design and Art

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Valuing value over all

Valuing value over all

- Okay, listen. Put down your cell phone, put your texting on hold, close that Facebook window, and listen hard to what I have to say here. I'm going to talk about value, which in terms of color, is how light or how dark a color is. And I'm going to talk about why value is really, really important. Any color, as you may know, has three - and only three - components: hue, saturation, and value. Hue is just another word for color. This robot's hues are from the blue-green family. And here's the robot without any hues going on. Just grays, in other words. Saturation refers to a color's intensity, meaning how bright or how muted it is. Right now the saturation of this robot's hue is highly intense. And here's one colored with less intensity and one that's strongly muted. In this case, the robot's hue is completely desaturated. And all that's left is gray. Value is how light or how dark a color is. And value also applies to grays. Here, the robot's form has been expanded by using different…
