From the course: Color for Design and Art

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Using texture to influence a palette's look

Using texture to influence a palette's look - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Color for Design and Art

Using texture to influence a palette's look

- Now I realized that what I'm going to start talking about right here, it might not seem like it has all that much to do with color, but trust me, it does, and we'll get to that connection in just a minute. So, I keep a quality digital camera with me, pretty much all the time, a camera like this, and it's a step above a cell phone camera. And I take pictures of whatever catches my eye. You name it, lots and lots of pictures, and it's not uncommon when one or more of these images makes their way into a layout that I do for a client or inside one of my books. So yes, I have a whole bunch of photographs in my computer. They're mostly organized in the folders that say things, like, buildings, streetscapes, sky, water, people, bugs, nature, and so on. But you know which folder contains the most images? It's the one I call Visual Textures. Now, what are visual textures? Well, they're images of anything that's visually textural, you know what I mean? It's like a shot of a metal floor, a…
