From the course: Color for Design and Art

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Painting with values: Two project ideas

Painting with values: Two project ideas - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Color for Design and Art

Painting with values: Two project ideas

- Earlier in this course, we talked about using grays to establish the all important value structure of our digital color projects, and how those grays can then be swapped out with colors of the same value. And you know what? I want you to try this using paints. Painting in this way gives us great chance to practice judging values, and it gives us hands on experience with paints while teaching us lessons about how colors can be mixed and altered to make them lighter and darker. Here's an idea for you: we'll paint a value chart using the five colors of paint that I talked about before. Cyan, magenta, yellow, black and white. You also need a brush or two, a piece of watercolor paper, a pallet, and a pencil. I'll start by penciling in a five-inch square, thereabouts, on my piece of watercolor paper. Nothing exact, just freehand this thing. Now four evenly spaced horizontal lines. Next, let's paint with acrylics. I'll fill my five horizontal rows with five values of gray, from light to…
