From the course: Color for Design and Art

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Modifying palettes with digital effects

Modifying palettes with digital effects - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Color for Design and Art

Modifying palettes with digital effects

- Say you've just finished coloring an illustration that you've been working on, and it looks good. But still, you're wanting to push the look of things just a little further, maybe find a way to make something about it a little more special or different. So you're not exactly sure what you're looking for, but you'll know it when you see it, it's that kind of thing. Well, let me show you a handful of Photoshop tools and treatments that'll not only let you consider, you know, some different color solutions, but it'll also give you a chance to bring extra feelings of sophistication and dimension into your color scheme. Now, this illustration was originally created in Illustrator, which is usually where I create images of this kind. The reason why I've imported it into Photoshop is so I could take advantage of a couple of this program's really useful color manipulation tools and treatments. I'll begin by adding a hue and saturation adjustment layer right over my illustration. Then I'll…
