From the course: Color for Design and Art

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Handling color backdrops

Handling color backdrops - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Color for Design and Art

Handling color backdrops

- Have you ever heard of upstaging? That's when a supporting character of a stage production suddenly decides that they are the star of the show. They start drawing the crowd's attention to themself instead of letting it stay on the show's stars like it's supposed to. So upstaging is bad. And it's bad when it happens on stage and it's also bad when it happens in a color scheme. And yes, color schemes, they really do resemble stage productions. They're often build around one or two starring colors, a small handful of co-stars, and then there's a bunch of supporting temps and shades. And their job is to make sure that the stars look good. So let's talk about it. We'll talk about both supporting and starring colors. And we'll do this in the context of backdrop hues that are meant to support and foreground colors that are meant to be the stars of the show. Attention getting colors usually get noticed by being brighter than surrounding hues and also by being notably lighter or darker than…
