From the course: Color for Design and Art

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Gathering the right tools for painting

Gathering the right tools for painting - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Color for Design and Art

Gathering the right tools for painting

- A lot of today's designers and illustrators work digitally, so when I suggest that they try using real world paints to expand and solidify their understanding of color, they might find themselves looking around their work area, saying yeah, sounds good, but I don't see too many painting supplies around here. If you're one of those designers, then let me help you out. I have provided a simple list of painting supplies with the resources for this course, just some things to get you started, and without spending a fortune. So let's talk about the things on this list. Paint wise, I'm going to recommend acrylics. Why? It's because they don't stink, and they don't let off toxic fumes. Acrylics are water soluble when they come out of the tube, and once they dry, they're water resistant, which is why you should never let acrylics dry on a brush. It's almost impossible to get dry acrylics off a paintbrush. Now I'm going to reccomend five specific tubes of acrylic paints. Primary Cyan…
