From the course: Color for Design and Art

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Closing thoughts

Closing thoughts

- All right, we've learned about the color wheel, prioritizing value, making good looking palettes, CMYK and RGB colors, and colors of paint. Where to go next? First of all, keep learning. Practice what you've discovered here and constantly look for new choices and new roles for both the starring and supporting colors of your palettes. Next, take charge, I mean, always be willing to second guess your computer's color ideas. Better yet, build your palettes from scratch. That's what I do, and it definitely keeps my head in the color game. And last, open your eyes wide to how great designers and great artists use color. Look at books, websites, magazines, and visit those art galleries. There are endless ideas and inspiration in all those places. So thank you for taking a look at this course, and best of luck choosing and applying colors to all your works of design and art.
