From the course: Color for Design and Art

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Borrowing and applying hues

Borrowing and applying hues - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Color for Design and Art

Borrowing and applying hues

- Instead of creating a palette based purely on either color wheel theory or personal invention there are times when borrowing colors from an existing work of art or photography when that makes sense, too, and I'm talking about borrowing in two contexts. One, like when you borrow an inspired set of hues, from something like an early 17th Century masterpiece, and you apply them to a layout or an illustration, and two, in the case where you add a photo or an illustration to a layout and you borrow colors from it and you apply them to other elements of the design. So let's talk about the first scenario first. Painted masterpieces from earlier times, these can be great resources for color ideas. Pallet's from these works of art might be just what you need to give a layout or an illustration exactly the look and the feel that you're aiming for. You want some ideas, some ideas about who to look at for this kind of inspiration? Well, here are a few of my favorites. Now I'd say that each of…
