From the course: Coaching Skills for Leaders and Managers

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The business case for coaching

The business case for coaching

- Leadership coaching requires a significant commitment of time and energy, so the question inevitably comes up, is it worth it? In a nutshell, absolutely! If coaching didn't produce concrete advantages, companies wouldn't even bother. Let's find out why they do and take a close look at the business case for coaching. First, what's in it for those being coached? The obvious answer is the growth in their skills, but it's so much more than that. When employees are coached, they feel like their talent is being recognized and their potential is being respected. It's a huge motivator. They think, if my leader sees something in me that's worthy of nurturing and growing, I need to step up my game. When coaching helps them clearly envision a long-term career path, the employees generally work harder and faster to make that become a reality. The interesting thing is coaching allows employees to uncover a real excitement about their work. The one-on-one guidance helps them better play to their…
