From the course: Coaching Skills for Leaders and Managers

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- Research clearly shows that organizations can increase their success by adopting a culture of coaching. It's a proven, tangible way to strengthen team relationships, improve performance and help employees build their skills not just for their current roles but for future career advancement. The bottom line is, coaching can have a tremendous impact on the employees involved. It's often a highly rewarding experience for leaders, and the results at the organizational level are undeniable. By taking this course you've invested the time and energy to increase your value as a coach, and potentially give your company a serious competitive advantage. To give you a head start in applying all the information you've learned, I've provided a handout with common coaching scenarios and specific questions to be used for different coaching purposes. You may also want to revisit the coaching self-assessment you completed at the beginning of the course. Some of your answers may have changed, but you…
