From the course: Coaching Skills for Leaders and Managers

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Listen as a coach

Listen as a coach

- Think about coaching, and you're likely to envision the football locker room. Players gather around the loud, charismatic coach who is sharing a motivational message with the team. That common image paints the picture that coaching is all about speaking forcefully and saying the right things. The truth is, one of the most important coaching skills is listening, active, intense listening. Your communication style is certainly important, but great coaches in the business world improve their impact with exceptional listening skills. Let's be honest, we all get side tracked by everything going on around us, e-mail notifications, phones ringing, people walking by our office. Listening can be tough, but strong coaches work to over come those distractions. To help you coach more effectively, here are five strategies you can use to improve your listening skills. First, listen on a deeper level. Great coaches know how to get team members talking so they can access their approaches. Not just…
