From the course: Coaching Skills for Leaders and Managers

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GROW coaching model

GROW coaching model

- Another framework that helps leaders bring structure to coaching for better results is called the GROW model. Which stands for Goal, Reality, Options, and Will. This concept was popularized by a pioneer in the executive coaching industry John Whitmore. I've included a handout for you to follow as we dive into each element of the GROW model framework. Essentially this model compares the coaching process with going on a journey. Deciding where you wanna go and understanding your starting point. Exploring different routes to your destination. And finally making a decision about the best path and getting started. Now let's explore some specifics of the four steps in the GROW model. First establish the goal. As the coach it's your job to evaluate the potential of your employees. What skills do they need to incorporate to achieve their goals? On a broader scale, what could they achieve? If you effectively coach them, and they commit to the process 100% what would success look like? How…
