From the course: Coaching for Results
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Overview of support and challenge coaching
From the course: Coaching for Results
Overview of support and challenge coaching
- It's pretty well-documented that coaching can increase engagement and retention. But as a manager, you are constantly dealing with two competing interests: limited budgets and resources and the never-ending demand for results. So how do you balance hitting your targets and getting results with your commitment to coaching your people? To answer that question, I'm going to show you how to become fierce about combining two coaching strategies: supportive coaching and challenging coaching. And we're going to do that with three kinds of coachees: careerists, low performers, and high performers. In a nutshell, supportive coaching is all about letting your employee lead, building rapport and respect through listening and reflection, and asking powerful questions to generate solutions. Challenging coaching kicks things up a notch, or three, pushing people out of their comfort zones to confront issues, take risks, and accomplish…
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