From the course: CMO Foundations: Measuring Marketing Effectiveness (ROI)

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Next steps: Measuring you, the CMO

Next steps: Measuring you, the CMO

- Using marketing metrics correctly will improve your effectiveness as a chief marketing officer. But there's one final set of metrics you need to consider, and that is metrics about your people and you. Think about your role as a CMO. Let's boil it down to two things. First, you're responsible for creating a competent team, and second, you must allocate resources, both human and capital, to achieve the goals of your department. Let's start with human resources. The first question is, do you have the right team? You need to measure the effectiveness of each member of your team, and you don't have to overthink it. Who are the A players, who are your B players that have the potential to become A players, and who are your C players that more than likely need to leave your organization? Now, this metric is twofold. First, have you evaluated your team, and have you created a timeline to make changes to get an all-A…
