From the course: CIPP/US Cert Prep: 4 Workplace Privacy

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Terminating employees

Terminating employees

- [Instructor] Every employee eventually leaves an organization for one reason or another. In the happiest case, they're retiring after years of successful employment. In other cases, they're voluntarily leaving because they found a more attractive position. Sometimes the termination is on less positive grounds and the employee is being forced out of the organization through layoffs or firing. No matter the reason, it's very important that privacy and security teams play a role in the employee termination process. Organizations should do everything they can to make an employee's separation as pleasant as possible within the constraints of the employee's specific circumstances. One way to do this is through an exit interview, usually conducted by a senior manager or a member of the Human Resources department. Exit interviews are used to gather information about the employee's experience at the company and wish them well in…
