From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly

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Using gobos in Redshift

Using gobos in Redshift - CINEMA 4D Tutorial

From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly

Using gobos in Redshift

- [Man] Hello and welcome to another Cinema 4D weekly. This week I'm going to show you how you can use gobos inside of Octane. Now, a gobo is basically an object or a stencil you can place in front of a light to control the shape of the light and its shadow. Basically, it adds texture to a light's shadow. Now the first step is to find a gobo image. You can basically use an image and project that shape onto an object and basically what I just did was Googled gobo image on Google and then looked under the image search. And basically when you search online for a gobo image, you'll find some images like this. And what I'll do with this image is download it, bring it into Photoshop, and fill in those white corner areas with black. Okay, 'cause then only the white areas will actually allow light to pass through. So let's hop into Cinema 4D, and the first thing we need to do is create a light. So I'll go to objects, lights,…
