From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly
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Easily edit Mixamo animations using motion layers - CINEMA 4D Tutorial
From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly
Easily edit Mixamo animations using motion layers
- [Instructor] Hello, and welcome to another Cinema 4D Weekly. This week, I'm going to show you how you can layer up multiple levels of animation onto existing animation using motion layers. This comes really in handy when you want to make a quick edit to, say, a Mixamo rig. Here, I have a Mixamo animation. What I'm going to do is, first, go to my takes manager and take this Mixamo take where all of the animation exists and bring this into its own project. Without that, everything would be locked. You can see, I can go to my key-frames here and a lot of things are locked here. To fix that, I'm just going to go to my take, go to File, Current Take to New Document. That will create a new document. If I go to my objects tab, go to my hips joint here, you can see all of the tracks are unlocked because we no longer have that take freezing everything. Now what we can do is we have our key-frame animation here.…
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Subsurface scattering in OctaneRender5m 21s
Intro to Cinema 4D R20 fields5m 21s
Intro to R20 volumes7m 43s
Intro to decay and delay fields in R206m 56s
Mesh morphs with fields and volumes8m 37s
Creating material wipes using fields5m 42s
Interactive render region for OctaneRender3m 50s
Viewing the speed graph in C4D2m 31s
Creating realistic noise-based materials5m 44s
Follow-through and overlapping animation6m 31s
Procedural growth animation7m 55s
Rigging and animating a 3D character in minutes with Mixamo10m 37s
Easy melt simulations in C4D5m 6s
Fading objects with effectors5m 7s
Onion skinning in C4D4m 26s
Blueprint renders using Sketch and Toon6m 53s
Baking Mixamo animation into motion clips6m 24s
Mixing Mixamo animation with motion xlips6m 14s
Must-know Xpresso7m 38s
Looping animation applied to effectors5m 11s
Intro to C4D sculpting tools9m 40s
Creating glTF files for AR and VR6m 9s
Intro to IK rigging6m 4s
Intro to rigging with joints7m 10s
Using deformers for character animation9m 54s
Rigging simple objects with FFDs10m 38s
Animation smears6m 35s
Cartoon mouth rig using Spline IK6m 5s
Add watermarks or timecodes to renders4m 46s
Intro to the Doodle tool3m 3s
Faster renders using Physical Renderer8m 26s
Using bendy limbs rig for C4D10m 32s
Automatic walk cycles using CMotion7m 43s
Rigging mouth using clusters5m 30s
Cartoon eyeball rig7m 48s
Intro to IK dynamics12m 16s
Worfklow enhancers: selection object4m 53s
Creating clay renders2m 55s
Three ways to animate splines10m 36s
Selecting every other clone or polygon10m 44s
Blending Mixamo motion capture animation11m 29s
Using pivot objects and Mixamo motion capture7m 9s
Model a cartoon hand12m 15s
Introduction to collision deformer6m 21s
Using connectors and dynamics8m 34s
Dynamic connections between objects11m 28s
Creating a dynamic spring rig9m 14s
Triggering cloth dynamics9m 55s
Model faster with Tweak mode2m 2s
Paint objects onto a surface7m 22s
Text inflation animations5m 41s
Intro to Morph deformer6m 29s
Intro to subsurface scattering in Cinema 4D (C4D)6m 15s
Subsurface scattering in OctaneRender5m 25s
Intro to C4D sculpting tools9m 46s
Making Symmetrical and Radial Polygon Selections5m 16s
Rendering Caustics in Redshift8m 13s
Creating an iridescent metal shader in Redshift6m 54s
Timeline Workflow Tips4m
Painting worn edges with vertex maps4m 37s
Speeding up your animation workflow with timeline markers4m 48s
How to sculpt cloth wrinkles using deformers6m 6s
How to draw splines on a surface4m 9s
Real-time cartoon outlines in the viewport4m 19s
Workflow enhancer: Interaction tag3m 38s
Tips for fixing jittery dynamics4m 6s
5 C4D preferences you absolutely should change5m 40s
Rigging splines with IK-spline5m 36s
How to easily select anything in your viewport1m 59s
Tips for better sketch and toon renders4m 58s
Using the Cinema 4D color wheel to easily create color harmonies4m 26s
Easily edit Mixamo animations using motion layers6m 5s
Create a squash and stretch rig using joints5m 41s
Using gobos in Redshift4m 47s
Using color swatches in Cinema 4D4m 15s
Make your splines and points easier to see with this setting2m 9s
Intro to alembic workflows10m 34s
Fixing bad weighting using Delta Mush3m 4s
Creating Dolly and Zoom camera moves in C4D3m 39s
Light faster with Lighting Tool4m 10s
Creating custom Redshift node presets in Cinema 4D5m 4s
Record mouse movement into keyframes4m 17s
Tip for working with gradients in C4D2m 27s
Using custom object icons2m 28s
Creating realistic camera shake4m 46s
Adding variation to cloth dynamics2m 41s
Light faster using Set Active Object as Camera3m 41s
Create looping walk cycles with Motion Clips3m 40s
Mapping custom shortcut keys4m 29s