From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly

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Easily edit Mixamo animations using motion layers

Easily edit Mixamo animations using motion layers - CINEMA 4D Tutorial

From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly

Easily edit Mixamo animations using motion layers

- [Instructor] Hello, and welcome to another Cinema 4D Weekly. This week, I'm going to show you how you can layer up multiple levels of animation onto existing animation using motion layers. This comes really in handy when you want to make a quick edit to, say, a Mixamo rig. Here, I have a Mixamo animation. What I'm going to do is, first, go to my takes manager and take this Mixamo take where all of the animation exists and bring this into its own project. Without that, everything would be locked. You can see, I can go to my key-frames here and a lot of things are locked here. To fix that, I'm just going to go to my take, go to File, Current Take to New Document. That will create a new document. If I go to my objects tab, go to my hips joint here, you can see all of the tracks are unlocked because we no longer have that take freezing everything. Now what we can do is we have our key-frame animation here.…
